Ned Pelger's blog on construction, design and other weirdness. Email him at ned@constructionknowledge.net
Please help him win his readership competition against his son Lex at the Construction Phone Apps Blog
I’m a sucker for a great info graphic. My buddy Kneal sent me this one called The Patent Wars: The Convoluted Battlefield of Tech IP. Click on it to get a larger view, so you can follow the logic. In a nutshell, the inside white circle represents lawsuits, with the arrow pointing to the group being sued. The outside darker hatched cylinder shows patent purchases, with the arrow end going to the purchaser.
What do I see? Apple and Microsoft sue and get sued often. That’s a sign of companies I want to avoid. Google, on the other hand, has few lawsuits, but more purchases, especially the huge patent purchase of Motorola Mobility. By avoiding the lawsuit focus, Google again shows themselves as a company I want to be associated with.
So, whether buying Google stock or utilizing their products, this slick info graphics furthers my belief that I want to hitch my little car to the big Google train.
Why should this matter to you? In construction, the technology explosion of cloud computing will be hitting us soon. We will all be making choices who we utilize for cloud based services. I’m going all in with Google.
What does that mean practically? Of course I use Gmail, Google Calender and Contacts instead of Outlook. I changed a year ago and love the new convenience and flexibility. I’m ready to change my scheduling program from my tried and true Microsoft Project to a better sharing cloud based program. Where will I be looking? Among the Goggle offerings. I’ll let you know what i find.